How and why I moved my business to cloud technologies
For more than 10 years, I was the CEO and founder of a large educational center for professional additional education in the field of engineering. Now, due to the pandemic, we are going through a difficult period of digital business transformation.
Our educational activities were based on offline courses that took place in classrooms and involved personal face-to-face meetings. But the pandemic and the self-isolation regime demanded a complete restructuring of the business processes: now my courses can only take place in the online format (zoom). On the one hand, it simplified the work of our managers: no need to look for a classroom, rent it, arrange it, prepare for classes, print and lay out materials, organise a coffee break... and so on. I no longer need localization managers and reception administrators who register people and help them learn. That is, I save money. On the other hand, data traffic has increased dramatically, at times, I mean the educational material that has to be broadcast from the teacher and the methodologist to the students – an online speech, video materials, podcasts, video and audio lessons…
In addition, in the conditions of the lockdown, we had to abandon the physical office: my employees switched to remote operation mode. And thus, our unified database – materials, archive, financial documentation, databases of participants, teachers, video materials and text presentations of lessons, related educational materials stored in the local network for general well-coordinated work, turned out to be ... in the cloud! After all, you understand that only a virtual local network was the way out to continue working in the conditions that have developed since last year!
The next step for us was a gradual transition to the cloud. Thanks to the services of cloud engineers from Eremenko & Polomani, this transition was quick and it allowed us:
- do not lose valuable terabytes of necessary and useful business and educational information, which you will agree is important!
- it is correct and convenient for use to reorganize, segment and distribute data by sections, departments and specific accesses for certain employees;
- filter out the necessary and already unnecessary data;
- it's not strange that now we save on wires, physical servers, for which we lost the office floor and rent! The main thing is that we now do not need a physical system administrator serving the network and hardware, whose salary was more than the salary of all methodologists combined;
- as a result, to reorganize and optimize, significantly simplify the entire educational process
What recommendations would I give to all colleagues who are thinking about switching to the cloud?
- Clearly understand all the costly moments – the cloud migration will require efforts from you and your employees, human and material resources will be involved, which will pay off in the end.
- The principles of your work will change in the future after the transition, working with information will become different – you will have to retrain yourself a little and retrain the staff to work with data, but it's not difficult and, as they say, it's a matter of habit.
- Keep in mind that not all businesses need cloud migration right now. For some, this is a matter of the future.
- Be prepared for the difficulties of transition and adaptation!
- Choose the cloud consultancy and cloud solution provider carefully!